Monday, September 1, 2008

Genesis Chapter 32 - Resolving the Past

As Jacob follows God’s leading to go back home, he is very aware he is going back to a situation from which he had left in haste. He was going back to face his brother Esau, whom he had deceived and from whom he had taken the inheritance. Jacob devises a plan to divide his family and flocks into two camps. If one camp was captured or destroyed, perhaps the other camp would be able to escape and survive. He also sent gifts ahead to his brother Esau with the message that he was coming behind. In doing this he was hoping to win favor with Esau and be forgiven of his past wrongs.

If there is something in our past that remains unresolved, we will not be able to go forward, no matter how hard we try. The past will always be there to haunt us until we face it head on and clear it up to the best of our ability. Perhaps we need to ask forgiveness and make our wrongs right. Or perhaps we need to offer forgiveness to someone who has done wrong to us. God wants us to face life with clean slates. We must seek His forgiveness first, then He gives us the strength and wisdom to do our part in clearing up the past. Only then can we go forward. The past can be left behind, buried in forgiveness, and we can face the future knowing our hearts are free and clear, and God is in control.

Jacob’s struggle with God, alone in the night, is somewhat mystifying. There are no doubt many spiritual implications in this wrestling match that took place, but we know that scripture says Jacob struggled with God and men and overcame. Because of that he was both touched and blessed. He was touched and left with physical evidence of his struggle, but he was also blessed with a new name. He would now be called Israel. Both his limp and his new name would be continual reminders in his life of the night he met God face to face. It was a life transforming moment for him, and he would never be the same.

Jabbok River near Penuel where Jacob wrestled with God, Image courtesy of

When we have an encounter with God, it changes our life. We have a new name written down in the Book of Life. We begin to walk a different walk. People observe our walk and know that we, too, have been touched by God in the inner most part of our being. Because of God’s touch we can become overcomers in this life. Praise the Lord!!!

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