When the famine continued, it became necessary for Jacob and his sons to replenish their food supply. Judah informed his father that it would do no good to return to Egypt to buy more food unless Benjamin went with them. Joseph had made it very clear that they were not welcome without their youngest brother.
Jacob was finally persuaded of the necessity of sending his beloved Benjamin with the other brothers on a return trip to Egypt. Jacob sent gifts to Joseph in hopes of assuring that all would go well, and that all his sons would be allowed to return home. He also sent double payment for the food. He wanted to repay the silver that had been sent back in each of his sons’ sacks on the first trip.
Jacob was finally persuaded of the necessity of sending his beloved Benjamin with the other brothers on a return trip to Egypt. Jacob sent gifts to Joseph in hopes of assuring that all would go well, and that all his sons would be allowed to return home. He also sent double payment for the food. He wanted to repay the silver that had been sent back in each of his sons’ sacks on the first trip.
Upon their arrival in Egypt, Joseph had his brothers taken to his house to eat the noon meal with him. Though the brothers were fearful it was because he wanted to punish them, instead they were shown genuine hospitality. Their feet were washed, their donkeys were fed, and their brother Simon was returned to them. When Joseph saw his youngest brother Benjamin with them, he was moved to the point of tears. However, he still kept his identity from them.
What a forgiving heart Joseph had. He was still a man with the utmost integrity. What had happened in the past was left in the past. His brothers were here before him, and he gave them the best treatment available…a feast in his own home. They had put him in a pit, but he gave them a party. Because of his love for them he extended mercy to them far above what they deserved.
So it is with God’s love for us. His grace has known no limits with us. We can never go so far that He will not beckon us back to Him. He loves us unconditionally, and is always willing that we change our course of direction to walk in His footsteps. He wants fellowship with us as much as He wanted fellowship with Adam. It does not matter what we have done in the past, He forgives us. It does not matter how far away from Him we have traveled, He welcomes us back home.
We may have been suffering a season of draught, and living in a land of famine. He invites us to feast in His presence. He wants to bathe us in the beauty and fragrance of His holiness. He desires to put a new heart within us, and give us joy and peace to sustain us until He comes back to take us to be forever with Him. I see Him even now beckoning to us, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland (Isaiah 43:18-19).
"In the presence of Jehovah,
God Almighty, Prince of Peace;
Troubles vanish; hearts are mended
In the presence of the King."
God Almighty, Prince of Peace;
Troubles vanish; hearts are mended
In the presence of the King."
(Geron Davis, Copyright 1985 Meadowgreen Music Co./Songchannel Music Co./ASCAP)