One night both the cup bearer and the baker had dreams which left them perplexed. When Joseph came to attend to them the next morning, he could tell they were upset about something. A less compassionate person probably would not have cared how the prisoners felt, but Joseph truly cared. He asked them what made them so sad, and they told him of their dreams. This dreaming business was right down Joseph’s alley…he had been there, done that! So he listened closely, not only to their dreams, but to God. Joseph was humble enough to recognize that it was God who gave him the wisdom to interpret the dreams. When he told the two servants what their dreams meant, he also made sure to give God the credit. Joseph was not looking for any self glory, nor was he trying to win a popularity contest amongst the prisoners. God had him there for a purpose, and he intended to fulfill that purpose.
Have you ever thought about the "inconveniences" that may come your way may in fact be opportunities instead? There was a man who had been stood up by his boss. His boss was to have met him for dinner and then taken him to the airport to catch his plane. The boss had forgotten about the appointment and was at the zoo with his grandchildren. So the businessman called another business associate. This associate was unable to meet him for dinner, but would pick him up at the restaurant and deliver him to the airport. When that person did not show up either (having gone to the wrong restaurant), he finally called a cab. Wouldn’t you know it, the cab driver and this man started talking, and before they reached their destination, Jesus intervened. The man was able to witness to the cabby for the cabby was eager to learn more about this man’s spiritual journey. If the businessman had been bitter about being stood up by two people, and focused on the inconvenience they had caused him, I doubt he would have been in the frame of mind to be used as a witness for God. He made the decision, however, to focus on the potential of the situation, rather than the problem. That’s exactly what Joseph did while in prison. We need to learn to focus on God’s promises, and potential moments of service for Him. It will give us a whole new perspective on life, one of opportunities and blessings, instead of disappointments and bitterness.
Joseph had good news to give the cup bearer…he would be restored to his former position; but he had bad news for the baker…he would die. Joseph asked the cup bearer to remember him when he was free and ask Pharaoh for his release from prison. Both dreams were fulfilled, but the cup bearer forgot about Joseph. God did not. Joseph knew to trust God, and in His time he would be set free. Let us trust God today, and wait upon Him.
"In His time, in His time;
He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Lord, please show me every day
As You’re teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say in Your time."
(Diane Ball, Copyright 1978 Maranatha! Music)
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