Sunday, December 28, 2008

Genesis Chapter 49 - Passing The Faith

A story is told of a dear old saintly lady who called her pastor to her home one day to help her plan her funeral. After covering all the necessary details, she had one last request for him. She wanted to be buried with her Bible in one hand and a fork in the other hand. This seemed like an unusual request, and he asked her why she wanted to be buried with a fork in her hand. She told him that at all of the best fellowship dinners at the church, when someone would come by to collect the dirty dishes, they would say, "You can keep the fork." That meant that the best was yet to come…either pie or cake was about to be served. So when people passed by her casket and saw a fork in her hand, she wanted her pastor to be able to step up and say of this saintly lady’s life, "The best is yet to come!"

Today’s passage tells us of the time that Jacob gathered all of his sons around him for a final blessing and a prophetic word. He told each son what his future would hold for him. For some of those sons, the best had already been, and they would face days in which they would pay for some of their actions of the earlier years of their lives. It was a case of reaping what they had sowed, praying for a crop failure, and God did not answer their prayers. Our futures are shaped by our actions today.

After giving his final blessings, Jacob reminded his sons that he wanted to be buried with his fathers in Canaan. He then "drew his feet up into the bed, breathed his last and was gathered to his people." (vs. 33) For Jacob, the best was yet to come. He joined his father, Isaac, and his grandfather, Abraham, in the presence of Jehovah. What a homecoming there must have been! These three men, called of God, faithful in service, had laid the foundation for the nation of Israel. They had lived their lives so that their faith was passed along.

Are we passing the faith along today? Can our children see God at work in our lives? Have they been told of God’s continual guidance and provisions? Have they heard how one day we had an encounter with Jesus Christ that forever changed our lives? Do they know Who to turn to in their dark moments, times of confusion and distress? What an incredible responsibility we have as Christian parents. We are shaping our destiny and impacting the destiny of those coming behind us. What will we do with today? Let me repeat once again an earlier chorus that just seems to continually go through my mind, and may we live these moments we have today to the glory of God!

"We have this moment to hold in our hands
And to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand;
Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow may never come,
But we have this moment today."
(copyright 1975 William J. Gaither)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Genesis Chapte 48 - Hold On

Mark Lowry, in his video "Mouth In Action", talks about his favorite Bible verse: "And it came to pass......" He said no matter what we are going through, it will pass. That should be words of encouragement to us today. I suppose when Jacob’s sons came home one day from the fields with a shredded and blood-soaked coat that belonged to Joseph, Jacob thought life might as well be over for him. His favorite son was dead. There seemed to be no reason to live. Then the day came when Jacob learned that Joseph was alive. Not only alive, but he was also a very powerful ruler in the land of Egypt. In fact, through Joseph’s wisdom there was food available for them that would save the rest of Jacob’s family from starving to death during the time of famine.

Just knowing Joseph was still alive had to be joy unspeakable. When he heard that Joseph was a rich ruler, such news was full of glory. And then to hear that his very own son was inviting him to come live with him in Egypt, and Jacob and all of his family would be provided for…well, the half was yet to be told! I can just heard Jacob singing, "I have found His grace in all complete; He supplieth ev’ry need......" And continuing on:
"I have found the joy no tongue can tell. How its waves of glory roll!
It is like a great o’er-flowing well, Springing up within my soul.
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory, full of glory.
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told!
(B.E. Warren)

Jacob was getting near death now, and he called Joseph to him. He promised him that Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, would inherit land as though they were Jacob’s own sons. It was as if God had not only given him Joseph back, but two more sons besides. Jacob blessed the two boys, purposefully giving the younger son (Ephraim) the greater blessing. He had learned that God works in mysterious ways, ways that were unpredictable and unexpected. But now at the end of his life, he could look back across the years and see that God was always there, had always provided, had fulfilled every promise.

Whenever Jacob was distressed over his present circumstances, they came to pass. When he did not see how any good could come from tragedy, things turned out better than he could have ever imagined. Yes, Jacob’s life was full of trials and perseverance, but in the end God allowed him the opportunity to see how His Holy Presence had been there all along. Jacob, the young conniving lad, had become Israel, the father of God’s chosen people.

Probably most of us can recall a time in our lives when we felt a sense of despair. We could not see how anything could happen to erase the present sorrow from our lives. We have been hurt and disillusioned. Life has dealt us some ugly blows. Sometimes we just did not feel like it was worth it to get up and go on. But we did. Time passed. Things that did not make sense seemed to lose their importance.

Or maybe a time has come when God has revealed some of life’s mysteries to us. Regardless, we know we can trust God. We can look at the life of Jacob and know that God has a plan for each of our lives, and He will see that plan through to its completion. He’s going to be there for us. For whatever we are going through, this too shall pass. "Hold on my child!"
"If you’ve knelt beside the rubble of an aching, broken heart,
When the things you gave your life to fell apart;
You’re not the first to be acquainted with sorrow, grief or pain,
But the Master promised sunshine after rain.
Hold on my child, Joy comes in the morning,
Weeping only lasts for the night;
Hold on my child, Joy comes in the morning,
The darkest hour means dawn is just in sight."
("Joy Comes In The Morning", William J. and Gloria Gaither, Copyright 1974)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Genesis Chapter 47 - An Influential Leader

Pharaoh was very kind and gracious to Joseph’s family. He gave them the best land in Egypt to settle in and pasture their flocks. Joseph presented five of his brothers and his father to Pharaoh, and then Jacob blessed Pharaoh. This is one of those stories in the Bible that seems like it almost has a fairy tale ending. If time had ceased to exist, it would have been just that. To see how the story continues, one would have to read Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, right on through the whole Bible. God had a chosen people back then, and He still has a chosen people today. The Bible really is a book about our own history. Hopefully this study in Genesis will inspire us to keep on reading!

The famine continued in the whole region. Grain was available because of Joseph’s management of the surplus during the years of plenty. At first people came to him with money to purchase grain. When the money was gone, Joseph told them to bring their livestock in exchange for food. As the famine continued people were forced to sell their land to Pharaoh in exchange for food. They were glad to do this because it meant the difference between life or death. Life as servants of Pharaoh was better than the other option. Priests were the only ones who did not have to sell their land, as they were given an allotment of food. Joseph gave the rest of the people seed to plant, and in exchange they were to give one-fifth of their crops to Pharaoh. They could keep the remaining four-fifths for themselves to live on. Everyone was extremely grateful to Joseph for saving their lives by devising plans that would benefit them all.

Meanwhile, down on the farm, Jacob and his clan were steadily increasing in number. The land of Goshen was filling up with Israelites. After living there for 17 years, Jacob made Joseph take an oath to bury him with his fathers in his own land, not in Egypt. Joseph solemnly swore to keep this promise to his father.

When I think of Joseph and the strong leadership he showed during the famine of his day, I am reminded of a well known Christian psychologist, author, and speaker, among other things, who is providing leadership in our day of moral famine. Dr. James Dobson has been a tremendously influential leader in family values and ethical behavior. It isn’t food that we hunger for today…it is morality, integrity, and character. Somehow I think Dr. Dobson feels the same sense of urgency that Joseph felt in serving God and people. The following quotes from Dr. Dobson could have been passed from Joseph down to him. May these thoughts influence who we are and the way we live our lives:

" can see that I have chosen to make you visible and influential among my people for purposes that you may not comprehend. In so doing, I am making my church vulnerable to you. You will be able to hurt and disappoint the family of believers by the things you do and say. Don’t mess it up! Bridle your tongue. Guard your behavior. Raise your ethical standard. Protect my people!" (God speaking to Dr. Dobson)

"When I reach the end of my days, a moment or two from now, I must look backward on something more meaningful than the pursuit of houses and land and stocks and bonds. I will consider my earthly existence to have been wasted unless I can recall a loving family, a consistent investment in the lives of people, and an earnest attempt to serve the God who made me. Nothing else makes much sense."

Friday, December 12, 2008

Genesis Chapter 46 - Faith is a Journey into the Unknown

The fear of the unknown. Maybe it was a new job. Perhaps the first day of school at a new school. A blind date. A transfer to a new community. Waiting for the test results from the lab. Have you been there? You didn’t know for sure what was in store, yet you knew you had to face it…the unknown. I am sure that is how Jacob (Israel) felt when he set out for Egypt. He knew he could not stay in Canaan, or his whole family would starve to death. He also knew that Joseph was waiting for him in Egypt, which should have been a big enticement for Jacob to make this move. However, it still required him to pull up all of the stakes, gather all of his clan together, and head out from a place he could call his own, and head for a place that was new and foreign to him.

Making those kind of changes when a person is young and adventuresome is not as difficult as when a person has aged and grown very comfortable in his surroundings. Remember the day Jacob was sent away from his home by mom and dad for having deceived his brother? They were trying to protect his life, and even though he was afraid of what was ahead, he trusted them to know what was best for him. Here he is now in his last days, at the end of his life, and God Himself is sending Israel (Jacob) away from home. Again, it is to protect not only his life, but the lives of all of those in his family. They would be sheltered from the famine if they moved down to Egypt where Joseph could take care of them. Israel trusted God and set out on this journey in faith, taking a total of 66 descendants and their wives with him.

The first night on his journey Israel offered a sacrifice to God, a praise offering for what God had done in his life and was going to do. Father God knew that Jacob was scared. He came to him in a vision telling him he did not have to be afraid, for God would be with him and would make him into a great nation. God would give him Joseph to comfort him in his old age and be there for him when he died. God also promised Jacob that one day his family would return to Canaan. What comfort there must have been in that vision to a man who felt tremendous responsibility for his whole family. Just as Jacob’s family respected his leadership, and trusted him, Jacob looked to God to assure him that this was the right move for all of them.

When we face the unknown, not sure what the future holds for us, we can have the same peace and assurance that God gave to Jacob. He has promised over and over again in His Word that He would never leave us, nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6, 8; Hebrews 13:5). God knows that we are human, and it is only natural for us to be afraid at times. Jacob did not yet have God’s Word in a written form, so God appeared to him in a vision. This same God comes to us when we pick up the Bible and begin to read His comforting promises. He speaks peace to us in John 14:27: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. That peace comes from knowing that you have given control of your life over to God, and no matter what circumstances you face, you know God will be there for you. Psalm 23 is another good passage to bring a sense of calm in a time of anxiety.

What a time of rejoicing must have occurred when Joseph and Jacob were finally reunited. It was almost like Jacob had not allowed himself to die until he could see his son again (see Genesis 46:30). Pharaoh had already promised to give Joseph’s father and brothers the best land in Egypt, the land of Goshen. Since Egyptians detested shepherds, it was good that Israel and his family were located in a separate area where their flocks could graze, and they could live the lifestyle they were used to living, not having to measure up to the Egyptians. God provided them a place where He could continue to increase their number and keep His people separate from the other cultures around them. God thinks of everything, doesn’t He! What a mighty God we serve!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Genesis Chapter 45 - God is Always in Control

God is sovereign. What does that mean to you? Could you explain that to someone if asked? Joseph had a good grasp on what the sovereignty of God meant. His statement to his brothers is the essence of what it means for God to be sovereign: "So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God." (vs. 8). God has a plan, and He will work His plan through us…or in spite of us. We do not get in the way of God’s overall design for His creation. We are pawns in His hands, and He can move us about as He pleases. Or He can create circumstances, whatever it takes to fulfill His plan.

When Joseph could contain himself no longer, he wept openly before his brothers and told them who he was. While they were afraid of what he might do to them, he assured them of the sovereignty of God. Anything that they had done to try to harm him had actually been the hand of God at work in all of their lives. Not only was Joseph saved from evil and harm, God’s larger blueprint was that all of Jacob’s family would be saved from the famine of the land. They would be preserved and made into the nation of Israel. God was not finished with them yet…He was only just beginning.

God is not finished with us yet either. He tells us, "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11) No matter what satan throws our way with the intention of destroying us, God is ultimately in control. It is so good to be able to turn and grin at satan, knowing God gets the last laugh. satan is a loser…always has been, always will be. Only losers give into him. The Power of God at work in us is so much greater than the power of evil that is the world. Claim that Power. Walk in the Spirit.

Apostle Paul admonishes us in Galatians 5:16: "So I say, live by the Sprit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." That is the secret to living an undefeated life, just as Joseph did. He knew that God was in control of his destiny. He placed his trust and his hope in God, knowing that all things would work out in the end. If Joseph could have read the New Testament, he probably would have chosen Romans 8:28 as his credo: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

What a day of excitement it must have been when the brothers got back home to their families and their father Jacob and told them of the good news about Joseph. Their load of guilt was gone, and their future was secure. They would all be moving to Egypt where Joseph could provide for them during the years of famine. Jacob and his beloved son Joseph would be reunited! Even Pharaoh got in on the excitement of Joseph being reunited with his family. He offered them the best land in Egypt to settle in. He even gave them carts to move their families with. He offered them the best of everything Egypt had to offer.

We all love happy endings. We need to just stop the story here for a while and rejoice with Joseph and his family. Together again. The past is behind them, the future is in God’s hands, and they have this moment of time to rejoice. Enjoy the moments of your life to the fullest, for they are passing. Gaither penned some words that tell us we need to take full advantage of the moments we have today:

"We have this moment to hold in our hands
and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand;
Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow may never come,
But we have this moment today."
(Copyright 1975 William J. Gaither)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Genesis Chapter 44 - Follow the Leader

Have you ever played "follow the leader"? If you have, then you know sometimes the leader did something you really did not want to do, or went a direction you did not really want to follow. In this chapter we observe a leader that had done things we would never think of doing, and took some paths we just would not have chosen. Let’s turn our focus from Joseph and give closer attention to his brother Judah, the natural born leader amongst Jacob’s sons.

We first find Judah taking leadership out in the field with all of his brothers, trying to decide what to do with "the dreamer". It was at Judah’s suggestion that they sold their youngest brother to a band of traveling salesmen headed toward Egypt. Would you sell your own flesh and blood into slavery? No, at this stage Judah’s leadership leaves much to be desired.

In Chapter 38 we studied the character of Judah in depth as we watched the story unfold about his compromising relationship with Tamar. When we contrasted his character with that of his brother Joseph, we found Judah to be immoral and lacking in the discernment and integrity that Joseph displayed. Judah gave in to his temptation for a "quick fix" with a "prostitute" (a disguised Tamar), but Joseph fled from the temptation of Potiphar’s wife. Would you make Judah your role model here? No, I don’t think so. But there did seem to be a turning point in Judah’s life at this intersection. When faced with his guilt, he admitted it. All of a sudden Judah is starting to stand a little taller. He’s beginning to display characteristics that we can admire. For this, he starts to gain our respect. We have political leaders and church leaders today that could learn something from Judah.

We move into Chapter 43 of Genesis and we find Judah taking leadership in speaking to his father Jacob, trying to persuade him of the necessity of taking Benjamin back to Egypt with them in order to get more food. He even counted the cost and was willing to risk his own life for the sake of all the rest of his family. He would do whatever it took to keep them from starving to death. And it appeared, in this current chapter, that Judah would indeed have to give his life on behalf of his brother Benjamin.

Joseph had played a trick on the brothers once again, and had again placed their silver back in their sacks. He also had his silver cup placed in Benjamin’s sack. This was a test Joseph had devised to see if his brothers truly had a change of heart from when they had sold him into slavery. When the silver cup was found, Benjamin was to become Joseph’s slave while the rest of the brothers were to be sent back home. Judah knew this would be the death of his father, and he took full responsibility for Benjamin’s life. He was ready to make a personal sacrifice of his own life in order that Benjamin could go free. The same brother who was the leader in selling Joseph into slavery, now offered himself as a slave in the place of his youngest brother. Would you follow this kind of leader, someone who was willing to risk his very own life for you?

One of Judah’s descendants has done that very thing for each of us. One day Jesus Christ stepped forward and said to the Ruler of the universe, "Father, let me pay the price for their guilt. Let me give my life as a payment of their ransom. Let me be crucified so that they may be freed from their sins, their guilt, their bonds that hold them so tightly." Jesus willingly paid the ultimate price by being stretched out and nailed to some rugged pieces of wood in the form of a cross. The price of leadership. Would you pay it? The good news is, we do not have to. Christ paid the price once for all.

"There is a Savior, what joys express,
His eyes are mercy, His Word is rest.
For each tomorrow, for yesterday,
There is a Savior who lights our way."
(Copyright 1986 New Wings Music/Greg Nelson Music)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Genesis Chapter 43 - Forgiving Grace

When the famine continued, it became necessary for Jacob and his sons to replenish their food supply. Judah informed his father that it would do no good to return to Egypt to buy more food unless Benjamin went with them. Joseph had made it very clear that they were not welcome without their youngest brother.

Jacob was finally persuaded of the necessity of sending his beloved Benjamin with the other brothers on a return trip to Egypt. Jacob sent gifts to Joseph in hopes of assuring that all would go well, and that all his sons would be allowed to return home. He also sent double payment for the food. He wanted to repay the silver that had been sent back in each of his sons’ sacks on the first trip.

Upon their arrival in Egypt, Joseph had his brothers taken to his house to eat the noon meal with him. Though the brothers were fearful it was because he wanted to punish them, instead they were shown genuine hospitality. Their feet were washed, their donkeys were fed, and their brother Simon was returned to them. When Joseph saw his youngest brother Benjamin with them, he was moved to the point of tears. However, he still kept his identity from them.

What a forgiving heart Joseph had. He was still a man with the utmost integrity. What had happened in the past was left in the past. His brothers were here before him, and he gave them the best treatment available…a feast in his own home. They had put him in a pit, but he gave them a party. Because of his love for them he extended mercy to them far above what they deserved.

So it is with God’s love for us. His grace has known no limits with us. We can never go so far that He will not beckon us back to Him. He loves us unconditionally, and is always willing that we change our course of direction to walk in His footsteps. He wants fellowship with us as much as He wanted fellowship with Adam. It does not matter what we have done in the past, He forgives us. It does not matter how far away from Him we have traveled, He welcomes us back home.

We may have been suffering a season of draught, and living in a land of famine. He invites us to feast in His presence. He wants to bathe us in the beauty and fragrance of His holiness. He desires to put a new heart within us, and give us joy and peace to sustain us until He comes back to take us to be forever with Him. I see Him even now beckoning to us, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland (Isaiah 43:18-19).
"In the presence of Jehovah,
God Almighty, Prince of Peace;
Troubles vanish; hearts are mended
In the presence of the King."

(Geron Davis, Copyright 1985 Meadowgreen Music Co./Songchannel Music Co./ASCAP)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Genesis Chapter 42 - God Hates Pride

Just as the Pharaoh had dreamed, there were seven years of abundance, followed by seven years of famine. The famine was world wide, so other countries came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph. From the land of Canaan came ten familiar faces…the brothers of Joseph. Even though Joseph recognized them, they did not know who he was because of his royal dress and his Egyptian dialect. Therefore Joseph decided to hide his identity for a while to test his brothers. His last memory of them was of their intent to kill him, or leave him for dead, before they sold him to the caravan going to Egypt.

As the brothers were bowing down to him in request to buy food from him, Joseph recalled his earlier dreams. He accused them of being spies, and he put them in custody for three days. Then, in order for them to prove they were not spies, he ordered that one of the ten brothers stay in prison while the rest went back home with some grain for their families. They were to bring their youngest brother, Benjamin, back with them in order to have Simeon released from prison and to get any more food.

The brothers started talking among themselves about their punishment being a result of what they had done to Joseph years before. They did not know that Joseph understood every word being spoken, and it brought him great sorrow as he listened to their conversation. When he sent the brothers on their way, he also had the money they had paid for the grain put back in their sacks. Upon discovering their silver coins in the grain bags, the brothers were frightened for their lives. They told their father Jacob they had to take Benjamin back to Egypt in order to retrieve the brother left behind. They would also need to take Benjamin back with them to gain purchasing power. Jacob was adamant that Benjamin would not go to Egypt with them. He had already lost his son Joseph, and now Simeon, and he was taking no chances with his youngest son.

It was good for the sons of Jacob to have this time to think about their crime of earlier years. I am sure not one day had passed since they had sold Joseph and deceived their father that they did not regret what they had done. However, pride would not allow them to admit their guilt.

Pride. What a powerful word. It is a word of bondage, for it keeps people from doing what they know they should do, and maybe really want to do, but "what will people think?"

There is nothing God hates more than pride. Worrying about what others think instead of what God thinks has kept many people out of heaven. Pride stands in the way of people having a personal relationship with the Heavenly Father because He must be approached in humility and honesty.

One man once admitted to a friend that he would probably accept Jesus as his Savior if he wasn’t so proud, to which the friend replied, "What is it you’re so proud of?" Any answer that could be given seemed foolish, and end result was the shedding of his pride that he might gain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Check it out…does pride stand in your way of doing what you really want to do? Are you afraid of what other people may think? Guess what…they are so busy thinking about themselves these days, that it does not really matter what they think about you. But what God thinks about you…THAT MATTERS! Think about it!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Genesis Chapter 41 - Perseverance Pays Well

Joseph had to wait two more years before the cup bearer finally remembered his request. After Pharaoh had two troubling dreams that the wise men of Egypt could not interpret, the light went on in the cup bearer’s head. How convenient that he should finally remember! "Oh, by the way, Pharaoh, there’s this guy I met back in prison. I think he might be able to help you. His name? Let’s see, let’s see.....oh, I think they called him Joseph. You see, I had a dream once, and this Joseph told me that it meant I would be restored to my position as your chief butler, and well, here I am! He’s pretty good, huh!"

Pharaoh sent for Joseph immediately. Now Joseph had spent his time in prison becoming very intimately acquainted with his God. Therefore, when the door of opportunity opened for him to speak on behalf of God, he was ready. He did not have to do a last minute cram on the Works of God and the Faith of the Fathers. He knew God. He trusted God. He lived for God. God was there for him, and he would be there for God. This was his moment. God opened the window of opportunity, and Joseph walked through. No hesitation on his part. No playing games, "Well, I don’t know, God, you sure took long enough to answer my prayers. How do I know this is the right opportunity for me?" Joseph stepped in front on Pharaoh, King of Egypt, and said, "I can’t, but I know a God who can, and will." God qualified the called.

Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams with the wisdom of God. He told Pharaoh that there would be seven good years of abundance in the land of Egypt, followed by seven years of severe famine. God had forewarned Pharaoh so that provisions could be made during the years of abundant harvest to cover the years of ravaged land. In response to Pharaoh’s request about what to do, Joseph told him to put a wise and discerning person in charge of storing provisions for the lean years ahead. "And, by the way, Joseph, thou art the man. There is none in all of Egypt as wise and discerning as you. You’re going to be my right hand man. I want you to take this ring, these richly ornamented robes (sound familiar?), this golden chain, and this mighty fine chariot to cart you around Egypt. And, let’s see.....for your wife, I give you Asenath. She’s the gorgeous daughter of Potiphera." Joseph was given two sons through Asenath: Manasseh and Ephraim. God caused Joseph to forget all the troubles he had endured, and He made him very successful in place of his suffering.

Oh yes, God makes all things beautiful in His time. He gets the last laugh. I love how these stories have such an ironic twist. What satan means for harm, God brings glory out of. From rags to abundant riches, Joseph rises again. All those years of faithful service, giving his best to his Master (God), have finally resulted in what God had planned for him all along. We do not see the whole picture, just like Joseph never knew what was next in store for him. But, like Joseph, if we will just take life one day at a time, making the best of it for God, we too will someday receive a robe and crown. Hang in there, faithful servant. Persevere, child of God. Be ready, for you know not when God may call upon you. Your day of elevation comes!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Genesis Chapter 40 - Inconvenience or Opportunity?

The story of the cup bearer and the baker, servants to the king that were put in prison, gives us another opportunity to observe Joseph’s character. Joseph had already been promoted to prison administrator because of his diligent service and positive attitude. These two new prisoners were put in his care. Why these two new men were there is somewhat unclear, but somehow they managed to displease the king of Egypt, and prison was their current punishment.

One night both the cup bearer and the baker had dreams which left them perplexed. When Joseph came to attend to them the next morning, he could tell they were upset about something. A less compassionate person probably would not have cared how the prisoners felt, but Joseph truly cared. He asked them what made them so sad, and they told him of their dreams. This dreaming business was right down Joseph’s alley…he had been there, done that! So he listened closely, not only to their dreams, but to God. Joseph was humble enough to recognize that it was God who gave him the wisdom to interpret the dreams. When he told the two servants what their dreams meant, he also made sure to give God the credit. Joseph was not looking for any self glory, nor was he trying to win a popularity contest amongst the prisoners. God had him there for a purpose, and he intended to fulfill that purpose.

Have you ever thought about the "inconveniences" that may come your way may in fact be opportunities instead? There was a man who had been stood up by his boss. His boss was to have met him for dinner and then taken him to the airport to catch his plane. The boss had forgotten about the appointment and was at the zoo with his grandchildren. So the businessman called another business associate. This associate was unable to meet him for dinner, but would pick him up at the restaurant and deliver him to the airport. When that person did not show up either (having gone to the wrong restaurant), he finally called a cab. Wouldn’t you know it, the cab driver and this man started talking, and before they reached their destination, Jesus intervened. The man was able to witness to the cabby for the cabby was eager to learn more about this man’s spiritual journey. If the businessman had been bitter about being stood up by two people, and focused on the inconvenience they had caused him, I doubt he would have been in the frame of mind to be used as a witness for God. He made the decision, however, to focus on the potential of the situation, rather than the problem. That’s exactly what Joseph did while in prison. We need to learn to focus on God’s promises, and potential moments of service for Him. It will give us a whole new perspective on life, one of opportunities and blessings, instead of disappointments and bitterness.

Joseph had good news to give the cup bearer…he would be restored to his former position; but he had bad news for the baker…he would die. Joseph asked the cup bearer to remember him when he was free and ask Pharaoh for his release from prison. Both dreams were fulfilled, but the cup bearer forgot about Joseph. God did not. Joseph knew to trust God, and in His time he would be set free. Let us trust God today, and wait upon Him.

"In His time, in His time;
He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Lord, please show me every day
As You’re teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say in Your time."
(Diane Ball, Copyright 1978 Maranatha! Music)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Genesis Chapter 39 - Have You Made Up Your Mind?

From rags to riches would certainly describe the young lad who was stripped and thrown into a pit in the middle of a desert. He was then sold to a band of merchants as a slave, taken to Egypt, and again sold to one of Pharaoh’s captains, Potiphar. Potiphar was a man of extreme importance and wealth. Joseph would be living and serving in an elaborate setting, far beyond his most creative imagination. No doubt he was very lonely for his own home, his beloved father, and all that was familiar to him, but working for Potiphar was a better outcome than dying of heat stroke and malnutrition in a dried up old well. So Joseph accepted his new surroundings, and made the choice to give his best service for his new master.

It didn’t take Captain Potiphar long to realize that he had a golden nugget in his servant Joseph. Everything Joseph did resulted in God’s blessing on the captain’s household. With Joseph around, Potiphar did not have a care in the world. He could eat, drink, and be merry. However, Potiphar was not the only one to take notice of the blessings Joseph had brought with him. This young man deserved a second look, and look is exactly what Mrs. Potiphar did. Here was a young stud with rippling muscles, a firm, strong body, and eyes to melt your heart. What would it be like to be held in his arms? Her look turned to lust, and since she was used to having anything she wanted, she decided she wanted him in her bed. She made herself very available to Joseph, and began to demand that he give in to her sensuous desires.

Joseph not only had physical strength, he had inner strength because of his strong relationship with God. He had standards which kept him from entertaining wrong desires. He recognized his position as a trust worthy servant, and he would do nothing to violate his master’s trust or his own conscience. Beyond being accountable to Potiphar, he was accountable to God for his actions. Having made his mind up to take responsibility for his actions ahead of time, he was able to say a most definite NO! to one of man’s strongest temptations, illegitimate sexual desires. Joseph had enough sense to put distance between him and that which was tempting him to be disobedient to God.

One day the lady of the house saw the perfect set up to trap Joseph. The house was empty except for the two of them, She grabbed him by the coat and demanded instant gratification from him. He slipped out of his coat and ran out of the house. "He’s going to pay for this! No one has ever refused me before and gotten away with it, and neither will Joseph!" Potiphar’s wife turned the tables and made it look like Joseph was the one with the lustful desires. She had his coat to prove how he had tried to advance on her. Potiphar had learned it was easier to go along with his wife, than to cross her, and he took her word for what had happened. In his anger he had Joseph confined to prison.

From riches to rags, now Joseph was in a prison cell. Time to pout now. Time to complain because it didn’t pay to serve God after all, right? Look where obedience had led him! Probably a lesser man would have given in to self-pity, but not Joseph. He saw his present circumstances as a time to trust God, and continue to give of his best service. Wherever God placed him, he would still honor God and be the person God called him to be…a person of integrity, dependability, and perseverance. And again, the Lord gave Joseph success in all that he did, even while in prison.

What have your made your mind up to do? What kind of a person do you want to be remembered as? You must make those decisions before the heat of the battle, or you might cave in to the pressures of the moment. The Psalmist wrote, In my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever. (Psalm 41:12) Determine today your life will count for God, and then enjoy His presence. He will be with you today, tomorrow, in the moment of crisis, and throughout eternity. Praise God Almighty!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Genesis Chapter 38 - Double Standards

Double standards have been around a long time. Whereas Joseph was a man of honesty and integrity, his brother Judah was a man with double standards. What he did in his public life and his private life did not match up. What he demanded of others and what he demanded of himself was not consistent. We will put Joseph’s story on hold while we take a look at Judah’s conflicting lifestyle.

If you will recall, the men of Israel were not to marry the Canaanite women. Israelites were God’s chosen people, and they were to marry within their own clan to keep their race pure. Those women of Canaan must have been some kind of temptation, as many of God’s chosen men gave in to their lust for them. Judah, ignoring God’s command, married a Canaanite and they had three sons. When his first son was of age, Judah got a wife for him, named Tamar. However, this firstborn son was judged wicked by the Lord, and the Lord brought his life to an abrupt end.

We take God too lightly. We think of Him as an emergency room doctor who is there when we need Him, but it is up to us how we live our lives. I mean, He’s a God of love, and He wants us to be happy, right? The thing is, God knows what will bring us genuine happiness, and not just momentary ecstasy that fades away. His commandments are to help us make choices that lead to our happiness. When we go against His rules of wisdom, we choose disaster. Sometimes it is immediate, sometimes it simmers on the back burner for a while. Just remember, payday does come eventually. For this first born son of Judah, payday was rather immediate.

The custom of that day was for a brother to marry his brother’s widow so that she might have an inheritance. Therefore, Judah ordered his second son to marry Tamar. But he also did wrong, and God demanded his life. Afraid for his third son’s life, Judah sent Tamar back home to her father’s house, making a false promise that his son would marry her when he grew up.

Recognizing that Judah had basically written her off, Tamar decided to take matters into her hands. She seduced Judah to sleep with her so that she might have an inheritance. She pretended to be a prostitute, and Judah demanded her services, not realizing it was Tamar. For payment, Tamar asked for Judah’s seal, cord, and staff.

When Judah found out that Tamar was pregnant as a result of prostitution, not realizing he was the guilty person, he ordered her to be burned to death. Double standard par none. Don’t you just love it when Tamar was able to produce proof of who fathered her child…Judah’s seal, cord, and staff. Caught in his own trap, Judah realized his guilt. He was guilty for sleeping with her, and guilty for not giving her his third son as he promised. She gave birth to twin boys. And the life line went on, a life line that eventually results in the birth of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1-6). God is the ultimate Judge, but He is also full of mercy. May I live so I do not have to rely on His mercy…no double standards for me!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Genesis Chapter 37 - Conquer Jealousy Before It Conquers You

We have observed the lives of several Bible heroes whose stories are well known. As we looked closer at each of them…Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…we found that they were very human. They each failed God in some way. God never gave up on them though, and He never withdrew His promise to make them a mighty nation. Hopefully, we have learned lessons from their mistakes. Once in a while, however, along comes a golden nugget, someone who follows God without wavering. Joseph was such a man. He was a man of integrity, and we can learn from what he did right.

Jacob loved his son, Joseph, more than all of his other sons because he was born to him in his old age. He displayed his favoritism by making Joseph a very costly robe. This favored son was already on his brothers’ "most likely to hate" list, and this robe only added more strain to their relationship. In addition, Joseph had a couple of strange dreams regarding how his brothers would bow down to him. He would have been wiser to keep these dreams to himself, but in his innocence he told his brothers about the dreams. By then they were furious with him. Even his father Jacob was troubled by Joseph’s dreams.

What was the true element that caused the hatred the brothers had in their hearts for Joseph? The bottom line is they were jealous. Their father loved Joseph more than he did them. He gave Joseph special attention and privileges. To them Joseph was a spoiled little brat. While they had to toil hard, Joseph was lost in his dreams. Each one no doubt thought, "Why him and not me?" Trouble enters the door when we begin to look at others and how it seems they have all the gifts, the talents, the privileges, and life comes easy for them. In comparison we seem to diminish and then we have laid the groundwork for jealousy to take over. Jealousy leads to bitterness and can destroy us. It is better to conquer jealousy before it conquers us.

The brothers of Joseph allowed jealousy to take root in them. One day when they were out in the fields working, they saw "the dreamer" coming toward them. They decided to take care of their "little problem" once and for all. At first they decided to kill him, but his brother Reuben convinced them to just throw Joseph into an empty well there in the desert. While they were eating, a caravan of merchants came along. Judah came up with the idea of making some money on their brother by selling him to the merchants heading to Egypt. To cover their crime, they dipped Joseph’s costly robe in the blood of a slaughtered goat. When they took it back to their father Jacob he assumed that Joseph had been devoured by a wild animal. They might as well have murdered their father or sold him into slavery also, for that day his heart was broken, and nothing could comfort him.

Jacob himself had been a deceiver in his younger days, and now his sons were playing the same game. It is a game where no one wins. The only possible winner in this episode is the one that currently appears to be the loser…Joseph. Living above reproach…a life of total honesty…is the way God would have us to live. We will learn that this lifestyle of integrity is how Joseph chose to live, and God was with him all the way, turning his trials into triumph.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Quick Update

We are on vacation in the Traverse City, Michigan, area. Therefore I did not post a Genesis chapter on Sunday. I did make a post for my Journey of Hope blog, and mistakenly posted it on this blog first. I have now corrected it and put in on the Journey of Hope Blog. You can go there from here by clicking on that blog sight under the side bar title "My Other Blogs". I'll post the next Genesis chapter when I get back home and have a little time to catch up on things.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Genesis Chapter 36 - Mountain Tops and Barren Deserts

If you are searching for just the right name for a baby-to-be, something unusual, out of the ordinary, check out the family tree that extends from Esau. This twin brother of Jacob, the son of Isaac and Rebecca, had married Canaanite women back before Jacob ever left home. It brought much grief to his parents, and evidently Esau himself was not totally satisfied, for he took yet another woman to be his wife, a daughter of Ishmael.

Remember Ishmael? He was Abraham’s first born son by Sarah’s maid, Hagar. Tough to keep it all straight? Maybe that is why God intended that there be one man and one woman, and the two would become one unit. Not only is life simpler that way, it is purer. It was never God’s idea to have mixed or multiple marriages.

Anyway, Esau became the head of the clan known as Edom, or the Edomites. He took all of his family and his possessions and moved away from Jacob to the hill country of Seir. He did this because both he and Jacob were so wealthy, there was not enough land for all of their cattle to graze on in Hebron, where they were both raised. The land he chose to move to was located southeast of the Dead Sea, and the terrain was marked by rugged mountains and desolate deserts.

Mountain tops and barren deserts. Have you ever been to either? As we walk with God, it seems that He takes us through both of those territories. We are blessed by wonderful mountain top experiences where we are saturated with God’s goodness and blessings. We bask in His sunlight and we feel like life could never get better this side of heaven. Enjoy those retreats when they occur. Soak up all the blessings and sunshine and happiness you can. For no doubt about it, your path will at some time lead you into the dry barren desert where you will need to have some of those resources in reserve. If all you have is an empty flask, you won’t make it very far on the dry stretch.

Deserts can produce their own kind of fruit. It is when you are totally alone with no one to lean on and nothing to grab onto that you find God is still there for you. And the lessons He will teach you in the desert will be life-changing. You will not come out of the desert the same person you walked in as. You will realize that if you depend on your own strength or wisdom, you are doomed. It is not enough. It takes a Supernatural Force to bring you to an oasis where you can absorb God’s love and His strength to see you through to the other side of this unbearable time in your life.

As He begins to fill you with who He is and what He wants in your life, you start gaining momentum. You can feel your body repositioning itself from crawling, to walking, to running. And you move on out of the desert to a victorious future, one where God is now in charge and you are free to be all that He intended you to be.

It has been said that no man or woman ever became great in God’s kingdom without first going through the desert. So do not be afraid of the desert, just don’t go there alone. Reach out and grasp the hand of God, and you will have all that you ever need to make it through this journey. He’s not only our Creator, He is also our Provider. Praise His name!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Genesis Chapter 35 - On A Journey With God

It was time for Jacob and his family to move on. God instructed Jacob to go to Bethel to settle down. This was the same place where Jacob had his first encounter with God when fleeing from his brother Esau.

Have you ever noticed how God makes a full circle? He will sometimes take us on a journey into new territories for He has much to show us and to teach us. Then, after we have had opportunities to grow and learn, He brings us back to our "land". This land could be geographical, denominational, or perhaps even relational. The exciting thing about this journey we are on with God is that we never know what is around the next bend. It is good just to trust Him and keep walking in His steps one day at a time. We need to grasp this moment in time, enjoy all the benefits this day offers us, learn all the new things we can learn---for tomorrow it may all change. "Only one life, ‘twill soon be past....Only what’s done for Christ will last."

God once again reminded Jacob of his new name, Israel, and how a nation would come from him. The land of Abraham and Jacob was now his. It doesn’t matter how many mistakes Jacob had made, he was still chosen for God’s purpose. Every now and then God would faithfully remind Jacob of this.

When is the last time God reminded you that you are His and that He is at work through you, fulfilling His purpose in you? If it has been a while since you have felt His personal touch, a reminder of how much He loves you, why don’t you make an altar today and pour out your love offering to Him on it. See if He doesn’t come in His own gentle way.

"He is here, hallelujah; He is here, amen!
He is here, Holy, Holy, I will bless His name again.
He is here, listen closely; hear Him calling out your name.
He is here - you can touch Him -
You will never be the same!"
(Kirk Talley, Copyright 1990 Kirk Talley Music/BMI)

This chapter concludes with the death of Jacob’s beloved wife, Rachel, and his father, Isaac. The tomb of Rachel is a tourist attraction in Bethlehem today. This woman made her mark in history, giving Jacob his two favorite sons, Joseph and Benjamin. It was Leah, however, that gave Jacob his son Judah…the line through which came King David, and eventually King Jesus. Rachel has a tomb in her honor; Leah has a King in her honor. This King is the only way of salvation and eternal life. King Jesus…do you know Him?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Chapter 34 - Vengeance Is Not Ours

Jacob had only one daughter, and her name was Dinah. She had eleven older brothers to look after her, but on one occasion she was by herself. In one of those moments when she was alone she was raped by Shechem, a young man from the local village. Even though Shechem loved Dinah, and wanted to marry her, what he had done to her was unforgivable by Dinah’s brothers. Shechem would pay a mighty price for his uncontrolled passion. And, as usual, sexual sin has such far reaching consequences that not only would Shechem have to pay, but he was the cause of every male in his village being deceived, circumcised, and then murdered by the sons of Jacob.

The brothers of Dinah wanted revenge for their sister being violated. They took the matter into their own hands rather than leaving it in God’s hands. Even though Shechem’s act was evil, Simeon and Levi allowed their uncontrolled anger to lash out and murder even the innocent men. The first mistake they made goes back to the same pattern of their father Jacob…that of being deceitful. "Oh the games people play....never meaning what they say...."

We can be sure if any of our plans start with, or include, deceit, we are plotting our own destruction. One day we will pay. And the price will be far greater than we ever imagined.

When we have been wronged, it is best for us to take the wrong to Jesus and leave it with Him. He can give us peace in our turmoil; love in place of hate; and grace to overcome evil with good. That is what Jesus is all about. What would we do without Him?

"Without Him I could do nothing,
Without Him I’d surely fail;
Without Him I would be drifting
Like a ship without a sail.
Without Him I would be dying,
Without Him I’d be enslaved;
Without Him life would be hopeless
But with Jesus, thank God, I’m saved.
Jesus, Oh Jesus, do you know Him today?
You can’t turn Him away,
Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus
Without Him, how lost I would be."
(Mylon LeFevre, Copyright 1963 The LeFevres)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Genesis Chapter 33 - God Goes Before

After the passing of twenty years, Jacob and Esau meet once again. Jacob had left his home twenty years ago in fear of losing his life, for Esau had planned to kill him after their father died. It was also with fear that Jacob returned to the homeland of his childhood. He had prepared for this reunion with Esau by sending gifts ahead. He had laid a plan in place for his family to escape, if need be, and he had prayed about this time of meeting his brother again. His fate was now in the hands of God.

Jacob must have chosen to momentarily forget God’s promise to bless him and give him the land and many descendants. If he had placed his trust and hope in God completely, he would not have needed to face Esau with fear, but could have met him with confidence. As it turned out Esau was very glad to see Jacob after all the years that had separated them. He had become a wealthy man himself, and he had no need of the herds that Jacob had given him as gifts.

Esau must have had a change of heart in Jacob’s absence, for he displayed no bitterness or anger. Instead he was anxious to have Jacob back home as soon as possible. Jacob declined to immediately travel back with Esau, explaining that his herds and his children needed to move at a slower pace. The necessary forgiveness and healing had taken place between these brothers, and both could go on with their lives in peace with one another. While Esau returned home, Jacob purchased some ground in Shechem in Canaan and pitched his tent there. He had much to be thankful for, and he wasted no time in building an altar to offer the Lord his sacrifice of praise.

In this episode of Jacob’s life we are once again reminded that what God promises, He will do. We need not be afraid of the unseen or the unknown if our trust and hope are in God. He goes before us and prepares the way. He is so deserving of our worship and praise.

"We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord.
We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord.
And we offer unto him our sacrifices of thanksgiving;
And we offer unto him our sacrifices of joy."
(Kirk Dearman, Copyright 1984 John T. Benson Publishing Co.)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Genesis Chapter 32 - Resolving the Past

As Jacob follows God’s leading to go back home, he is very aware he is going back to a situation from which he had left in haste. He was going back to face his brother Esau, whom he had deceived and from whom he had taken the inheritance. Jacob devises a plan to divide his family and flocks into two camps. If one camp was captured or destroyed, perhaps the other camp would be able to escape and survive. He also sent gifts ahead to his brother Esau with the message that he was coming behind. In doing this he was hoping to win favor with Esau and be forgiven of his past wrongs.

If there is something in our past that remains unresolved, we will not be able to go forward, no matter how hard we try. The past will always be there to haunt us until we face it head on and clear it up to the best of our ability. Perhaps we need to ask forgiveness and make our wrongs right. Or perhaps we need to offer forgiveness to someone who has done wrong to us. God wants us to face life with clean slates. We must seek His forgiveness first, then He gives us the strength and wisdom to do our part in clearing up the past. Only then can we go forward. The past can be left behind, buried in forgiveness, and we can face the future knowing our hearts are free and clear, and God is in control.

Jacob’s struggle with God, alone in the night, is somewhat mystifying. There are no doubt many spiritual implications in this wrestling match that took place, but we know that scripture says Jacob struggled with God and men and overcame. Because of that he was both touched and blessed. He was touched and left with physical evidence of his struggle, but he was also blessed with a new name. He would now be called Israel. Both his limp and his new name would be continual reminders in his life of the night he met God face to face. It was a life transforming moment for him, and he would never be the same.

Jabbok River near Penuel where Jacob wrestled with God, Image courtesy of

When we have an encounter with God, it changes our life. We have a new name written down in the Book of Life. We begin to walk a different walk. People observe our walk and know that we, too, have been touched by God in the inner most part of our being. Because of God’s touch we can become overcomers in this life. Praise the Lord!!!